
Hi, I'm Kate. I was a blogger over here, but I got bogged down and tired of editing. So I started over.

I named this blog Hello, Day One because I needed to remember that every day is a new Day One. I am constantly trying to remind myself that I get a new chance to be better every single day. Do I succeed every day? NOPE! But I try!

I am a 28 yrs old. I am married to Adam, and mama to Leif. I am pregnant with Maddie, due Oct. 31st 2014. My family is crazy beautiful love. We live in SW Colorado, my paradise, and I love it here. We believe in moving forward, and trying to remember how blessed we are every single day.

Feel free to email or comment, I would love to know how you feel.

1 comment:

  1. Just found your blog!
    I am now following! Looking forward to keeping up

